珠海市玛斯特有限公司是目前国内较大的各种系列运动员号码布(Race number)生产商。拥有国内成员之一的号码生产技术和先进的进口印刷设备,除了生产杜邦特卫强纤维纸马拉松号码布Marathon number和各种档次的国产布料号码布外,珠海市玛斯特有限公司特别推出经过研发部门多年来的反复试验研究,在引进和吸收国外先进的特殊的表面涂层技术后,采用进口的纤维布材料而特别制作的新一代高质量的号码布产品--纤维布号码布(Bibs numbers)。
这是一种非常坚韧的进口纤维布材料。它结合了布料和纤维的优点于一身,表面光滑细腻,质地坚韧而**,具有**、耐撕裂、 耐老化、耐高温、 质地柔软、高色牢度 高阻光性等特点。每块号码布都是根据客户所提供的变量数据资料,用特别配方制作的油墨通过先进的印刷设备再印上变量号码,并可以加印背景色、主办单位之彩色商标、赞助商的彩色商标,同时也可以把其它所需个性化变量数据比如个人彩色照片及姓名、条形码等资料印上去。图案、颜色和文字可以任意配搭自由组合,内容丰富多样,颜色鲜艳,清晰美观,真正做到所想即所得,效果大大优于用一般的国产布料做的号码布。
本公司生产的各种系列号码布(纤维纸、布料、纤维布)的具体价格需根据用户的订单数量大小尺寸等情况而定,经济、快捷、环保。数量不限,欢迎各运动团体、学校、企事业单位、广告公司来函来电联系业务! 谢谢!
珠海市玛斯特公司. ----体育用品事业部
Zhuhai Mastersoft Co., Ltd is the largest manufacturer in China, producing different series of Race Number, including the newest Bib Numbers.
Our products use dupond tyvek fiber paper, fabric of various grades and especially the imported fiber fabric used for making Bib Numbers. Printing is done on imported advance equipment, using advance Chinese technology.
The new generation of Bib Numbers uses imported fiber fabric which combines the characteristics of woven fabric and fiber fabric. The surface is smooth, soft and exquisite, the material tough and durable, and it is waterproof and has high resistance to tear, aging, heat, light penetration and color fade. Our research over the years has succeeded in making Bib Numbers, blending foreign hing tech Surface Coating technique with the use of imported advance equipments.
Each race number is printed according to customer’s variable data and printing is done on advance printing machine, using specially compounded ink. Color background, color logo and personal data like photographs, name and bar code, can be added, tuned and changed according to preferences. Bib Numbers are therefore of much higher quality and are much more effective than ordinary Race Numbers.
Our Bib numbers are the best athletes Fiber Race Numbers in China. They can be stored for long periods and repeated use. No harmful or polluted substance is used in the production. They are suitable for use in various sports events ,such as track and field, cycling, skiing, outdoor, three iron man, marathon, etc and can be effectively used to promote and build image for schools, enterprise and organizations.
We can quote on Bib Numbers or Traditional tyvek Race Numbers and there is no minimum order requirement. We welcome any sport organizer, schools, enterprises, institutions and advertising companies to contact us for details. Thank you!
Zhuhai MasterSoft Co., Ltd. ----Sports goods business division
主要市场 |
美国,欧洲,中国香港,日本,东南亚 |
经营范围 |
公司主要经营号码布, 号码布,马拉松号码布,运动会号码布,运动员号码布 |